Repack by SxS, Fenixx
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: Games Distillery
: bitComposer Games
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: PC
Тип издания
: Repack (Лицензии)
Язык интерфейса
, Английский
Язык озвучки
: Английский
: Вшита (FAIRLIGHT.v 4.0)
Особенности Repack'a
--За основу взята Лицензия от bitComposer Games--
* аудио качество 100%
* видео качество 100%
* эксклюзивный установщик
* установка дополнительного Soft'a (DirectX, Visual C++)
* все пути реестра сохранены
* запуск игры через ярлык на десктопе или через меню пуск
* для установки необходимо 512 Мб ОЗУ
* примерное время установки 2 минут(а,ы)
* v 3.4
* v 3.5
* v 3.6
* v 3.7
* v 3.8
* v 3.9
* v 4.0
* игровые архивы не тронут
* за основу взята лицензионная копия игры от bitComposer Games, обновлённая в Steam от 31.01.2014
* -----
Автор Repack'a
* Fenixx
v 3.4
* Fixed the bug preventing the game updating the Quest in “Knights Advance” mission.
* General stability improved.
* Fixed a bug leading to crash once the Exit button was pressed.
* Fixed a bug leading to low frame rates when expanding a wall while constructing.
* Fixed a bug which lead to crash sometimes when changing the resolution ingame.
* Fixed a bug which automatically changed the difficulty when entering the next map.
* Fixed a bug preventing sometimes to finish the map “The Gold Rush”.
* Archers are now able to mount walls.
* Fixed a bug leading to a crash sometimes when a peasant was assigned to repair a building.
* Reduced the issue that peasants get stuck while mining.
* Reduced the difficulty in “The Landing”.
* Fixed a bug which led to attachments still being visible after being deconstructed.
* Catapults slowed down.
* Archers now do not damage own buildings anymore while firing.
* Some graphical issues visible on walls, gates and towers have been fixed.
* Fixed a bug which made towers invincible while being upgraded.
* Fixed a bug leading to a crash while saving the game.
* Fixed a bug within the window mode, which led to a crash sometimes.
* Catapult-bug fixed which lead to the situation where the catapult got stuck and turned around in a loop.
v 3.5
* Fixed a bug leading to a crash located in the Northumbria map which was found in the save/load function.
* Fixed a bug leading to a crash located in the “Holding the Coast” map which was found in the save/load function.
* Fixed a bug which made the player see enemy buildings through the fog of war.
* Fixed a bug which did not allow to deconstruct unfinished walls.
* General stability improvement within the skirmish maps.
* Fixed a bug which prevented peasants from building gates correctly.
* Fixed a bug leading to a crash which appeared when the player tried to deconstruct a wall while units were still on the wall.
* Fixed the crashbug which let the game crash once the game was saved.
* Fixed a bug which caused catapults to destroy the castle if they were mounted on the castle.
* Fixed a bug which caused peasants not being able enter resource buildings.
* Questlog in “Holding the Coast” updates correctly now.
* Enemy stone walls now have a texture which shows that the wall is damaged.
* Fixed a bug which made it impossible to choose Merlin as a card prior to a mission.
* Fixed a bug which caused peasants not being able to work on the same segment of a wall while constructing.
* Questlog in “The End of an Era” now updates correctly.
v 3.6
* Fixed the bug, that there is a low frame rate on the map “The Withdrawal”.
* Fixed the bug, that the game crashes on the map “End of an Era”.
* Fixed the bug, that the quest log was not updated correctly.
* Fixed the bug, that a tower with 0 life is still displayed.
* Archers now use the gate to leave base.
v 3.7
* The peasants can no longer enter a tower when it’s demolished or in the process of being demolished.
* Save game is working correctly now.
* Quest "Upgrade Town Hall" on mission "End of an Era" is now working correctly. So if either Level 2 or Level 3 of town hall is already upgraded the quest is checked as successful and the next quests are loaded.
* Quest name of "Gutruhm's fall" map from "Round Table" campaign is now correctly displayed.
* Adjusted the victory screen so the messages fit to the allocated space.
* Quest name of "Excalibur" map from "Round Table" campaign and tooltip of quest "Destroy enemy Village Hall" are now correctly displayed.
* Quest name of "Holding coast" map from "Round Table" campaign is now correctly displayed.
* Quest name of “The Landing” map from “Invaders” campaign is now correctly displayed.
* The building information will be correctly displayed as a cursor tooltip, even when another building or unit is selected.
* The tooltip is removed. Now only a popup box is shown on the beginning with the info.
* The tooltip for Light Archer unit is now correctly displayed.
* The tooltip for Light Axeman unit is now correctly displayed.
* Button names no longer overlap icons.
* The tooltip of Stables building is now correctly displayed.
* The tooltip for Ballista unit is now correctly displayed.
* The tooltip for Siege building is now correctly displayed.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is working at the Lumberman lodge in Dark Missions is now displayed correctly.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is working at the Stone quarry in Dark Missions is now displayed correctly.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is working at the Stonecutter plant in Dark Missions is now displayed correctly.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is working at the Siege workshop in Dark Missions is now displayed correctly.
* The "Defensive" state icon now changes when it is active.
* The castle health bar is now displayed closer to the building, between its towers.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is repairing a reinforced tower in Light Missions is displayed correctly.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is repairing or rebuilding a reinforced wall in Light Missions is displayed correctly.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is working at the Ore quarry in Light Missions is displayed correctly.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is working at the Blacksmith plant in Light Missions is displayed correctly.
* The pictures on the Credits menu are now displayed correctly.
* “Sir Galahad” is no longer being used as a bonus character.
* The wall attachments are now correctly removed after a wall is destroyed.
* The texture for the icon indicating that a unit is working at the Bakery plant in Light Missions is displayed correctly.
* Message displayed when the player has a resource building for which there isn't any available resource to gather is now displayed correctly.
* The tooltip for the “Cancel building” button was corrected.
* WASD is now also assigned to the camera movement.
* Corrected the profile information for the “Stop unit” button.
* After the upgrade of a building is finished, the UI elements of that building are now correctly updated.
* The descriptions of the main goals for the “Gold Rush” and “Duel” skirmish maps are now correctly displayed during the game.
* The health bar of buildings is now correctly displayed.
* Highlights of moats and spikes are now correctly adjusted to the building area.
* The current selected gate option will now be correctly highlighted.
* The avatar icons for bonus characters are now displayed correctly.
* The portrait texture is now correctly displayed for the Barnyard building in Dark Missions.
* The portrait for dropped packages is now displayed correctly.
* The portrait texture for the Blacksmith building is now correctly displayed.
* The terrain texture for Excalibur Light Mission is now correctly displayed.
* The portrait texture for the Small storage in Dark Missions is now correctly displayed.
* The collision walls for the towers have been improved.
* The portrait texture is now correctly displayed for the peasants working on the Barnyard.
* The portrait texture for the farm in Dark Missions is now correctly displayed.
* The tooltips displaying are now displayed according to mouse hovering.
* When gates and towers are destroyed the pieces on the ground disappear after a certain period.
* The collision walls for the towers have been improved.
* The health bar of buildings is now displayed correctly while the building is under construction.
* Added tooltips to information icons on unit production buildings and gathering buildings.
* Corrected an issue regarding the game shadows.
* When the player wants to place a gate the tower's frame is not displayed anymore.
* The model of the tower is not displayed before it was fully constructed.
* The total health of buildings is changed to the new value when upgrading starts.
* When upgrading a damaged tower fully recovers its HP and dosent look damaged.
* Units will now correctly use the closest gates to leave a citadel.
* Attachments will no longer be able to be added to towers being deconstructed.
v 3.8
* The Textures of the enemy spikes are now displayed properly.
* Added camera boundaries to the map Holding the Coast.
* Reworked the minimap. It now displays the gameplay map logistics way better.
* Hoalding the Coast mission can now be played properly and the maingoal is also updated correctly.
* The keyboard shortcut layout was changed: WASD keys added to control the camera; Q assigned to move the camera to the town hall (previously T); E assigned to cycle between idle peasants (previously H); Space bar assigned to recall all idle peasants to the town hall (previously Y); RTYU, FGHJ and VBNM assigned for the action commands.
* Keyboard input for ingame shortcuts is now disabled while the game is paused.
* The mouse input recognition has been reworked for buttons clicked by the player.
* Within the Menu you can now access the previous menu with ESC.
* Walls are now displayed with the correct visual update after upgrading.
* The in-game window scrolling is now automatic when selecting multiple units.
* Trebuchets do not hover over the ground anymore.
* The building space required by buildings was adjusted, in order to give units enough navigation space around the buildings and thus avoiding them to get stuck in the environment.
* Unit selection (double click) is now properly working. When zooming in/out ingame only the units seen on the screen are selected.
* Enemy melee units will now attack walls, towers and gates when trying to reach units inside a citadel.
* Improved usability of the savegames menu.
* The Ballista should not get stuck anymore if the initial rally point is near a stone place.
* In the level Approaches to York peasants shouldn’t harvest from just one place anymore.
* In the Level End of an Era the player shouldn’t be able to place a Moat underwater anymore.
* Animations for peasants after a stone place is finished is now working correctly.
* Player can now not move the camera anymore once the game is paused to prevent an unfair advantage.
* Entrances to towers cannot be build inside a wall anymore.
* The message “Building has maximum possible peasants” is now displayed just once.
* Loadingbar does not overlap any logos anymore.
* Players cannot build Moats on rough terrain anymore.
* Units now will not fall off a wall anymore while navigating on it.
* Enemy units won’t stay in fog anymore once they attack.
* Added camera boundaries to the map Excalibur.
* The background sound won’t stop anymore while zooming out.
* Fixed a bug where the player was unable to select units after loading a game.
* Fixed a bug where in some missions axeman were unable to attack.
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to place more units on a wall than allowed.
* For all missions the cards for the special characters should now be displayed correctly.
* Units will now move according to their own speed when in a group, instead of the group moving with the speed of the slowest unit.
* Fixed a bug where spawned reinforcements attacked the friendly troops.
* Discovered enemy buildings won’t disappear in the fog of war anymore.
* Peasants shouldn’t get stuck anymore when building a tower.
* Peasants shouldn’t get stuck anymore when building a house.
* Peasants shouldn’t get stuck anymore when mining resources.
* Rebalanced some skirmish maps in terms of resources (and fixed those which couldn’t be mined).
* Re-introduced the save function in skirmish maps (and the save games should be named correctly now as well).
* Added an auto repair function to peasants which is dependent on distance to damaged buildings.
* Models of units should not overlap with buttons in the menus anymore.
* It is possible now to remove separate wall segments if the wall consists out of more than four segments.
* Peasants shouldn’t overlap anymore while not working.
* Improved the frame rate.
* The selecting option of units has been improved.
* Improved general stability of the game.
* Improved the pathfinding.
v 3.9
* Updated localization files. Adjusted slightly the Ok panel.
* Victory message for map "The withdrawal" within limits.
* The subtitles for RUSSIAN language only will be a bit slower now, the other languages its still the same. For the other languages they remain with the same speed.
* Added new line breaks for some russian quest tooltip texts.
* Text's within window size.
* Main goals count now display the right values on overall statistics.
* There should be dashs on every goal description.
* Updated localization files with new main quest for the D9 map.
* Updated localization files with right Ids.
* The message that the player is under attack should be displayed now for russian language.
* Earlragnall has the right unit description.
* Added russian translated game credits.
* Game difficulty properly working now for new games and save/load games menu.
* Updated game/scripts, for map D10. Quest is finished after the player destroys 8 gathering buildings.
* Added tooltips for townhall tax increase and decrease buttons.
* Fixed map "The withdrawal" serialization and lua scripts/quests.
* Shortcuts(keyboard) for action menu(peasant action menu) now work depending on townhall level.
* Tooltips to all minimap related buttons and main menu button.
* When pressing Z camera will focus current battle ground.
* The action panel now is toggleable. If an object is selected then it is visible.
* Fixed ingame action menu when calling ingame menu and an object was already selected.
* When the player engages in combat, a warning message is displayed on right bottom corner. This message is clickable now, and will focus the camera on the event.
* Tutorial is working properly.
* Resource deposits are now shown as white dots on the minimap. Once they are found they will be visible in FoW and the white dots will be removed from minimap, this because the player can finish mining all stone/iron and the dots would be useless/confusing.
* For now added a option to increase and decrease max population of Skirmish maps only, which can be found on Settings->Game Settings.
* Camera zoom increased. More zoom-in and zoom-out. Double clicking the mouse wheel will reposition the camera.
* Fixed Save/Load/GameMenu ingame windows navigation when pressing ESC.
* This is how the peasant cycle works. Clicking E will target the nearest idle peasant to the camera view/cursor. If that one is already selected then it will select the next one on a 'x' radius.
* Now its possible to set custom controls on Settings->Controls.
* Improved game physics.
v 4.0
* Optimized Auto-Repair and Repair functionality.
* Added building queue for peasants. Peasants will build multiple buildings.
* Both campaigns should be working.
* Fixed/Optimized quests.
* Improved game physics.
* Fixed leaks related to game sound which were causing game crashes.
* Player bonuses should be all properly working.
* Improved overall combat mechanics.
* Fixed Siege units collisions while on movement, they won’t damage attacking units instantly anymore.
* Fixed walls collision polys (Edge connections).
* Siege towers are now working and implemented in-game. When units are deployed they don’t fall off the wall and can walk/fight on the walls.
* Siege towers shouldn’t crash the game anymore.
* Fighting on the walls shouldn’t crash the game anymore.
* Ladder units are now working. When they climb a wall they dont fall off the wall and they become a knight and can walk/fight on the wall.
* Trebuchet no longer gets stuck on build mode.
* Fixed catapult and ballista fire rate.
* Recalculated damage of ballistas and catapults. When ballistas and catapults are firing against non-buildings objects the damage is increased by 250% of the base damage.
* Improved game UI.
* Added mouse hovering info/selections when the player has a object selected already, this makes the game much more intuitive.
* Changed slightly the peasant model for better in-game recognition/perception.
* Changed the three main peasant action menu icons for better in-game recognition/perception. (Main buildings, resources buildings, fortifications).
* Adjusted mass and force applied to dynamic boulders.
* When we have a selected group of units OR when we have a selected building in which there are peasants working on it, now we can select/focus a single unit of choice by clicking on the icon of that unit on the information window.
* Improved pathfinding, mainly focused on impregnable fortress's, enemy wall invasion if wall's breached and enemy wall enemies detection/targeting and fighting.
* Optimized Save/Load games.
* Adjusted skirmish maps maximum population cap, now 499 maximum units (Game settings).
: Игра Citadels повествует захватывающую историю об эпохе королей, благородных рыцарей и могучих замков, точно передавая атмосферу средневековых баталий и предоставляя игроку широкий простор для стратегических действий. Чтобы пережить вражеские нападения и осады, игроку придется возводить замки и укреплять их с помощью рвов, кольев и многочисленных защитников. Переходя в нападение, ему также придется думать о добыче ресурсов и обучении крестьян, чтобы собрать армию из самых разных бойцов и оснастить ее осадными орудиями. Исход сражения зависит не только от полководческого таланта командующего, но и от умения соблюсти равновесие между обучением бойцов и развитием экономики в мирное время.
Особенности игры
* Окунитесь в атмосферу средневековой Англии времен короля Артура и рыцарей Круглого Стола! Не дайте великолепной графике и живописному окружению отвлечь вас, пока вы переписываете историю!
* Добро или зло? Только вам решать, сражаться ли на стороне короля Артура или лорда Мордреда и его северных союзников.
* Возводите неприступные крепости и защищайте их с помощью рвов, кольев и солдат. Только правильно выбранная стратегия принесет вам победу.
* Один только замок не гарантирует победы! Исход осады решает сочетание эффективности оборонительных сооружений и действий защитников, а также запас стратегических ресурсов.
* Принимайте участие в средневековых сражениях! Соберите армию из различных бойцов и оснастите ее осадными орудиями. У вас будет возможность включить в нее лучников, арбалетчиков, мечников, всадников, осадные лестницы, катапульты, требюшеты, баллисты и осадные башни.
* Реалистичная физика поможет получить тактическое преимущество: займите выгодную позицию на холме, и падающие камни и мусор будут наносить дополнительный урон нападающим.
* Выполняя особые поручения, вы сможете заручиться поддержкой легендарных персонажей, которые поддержат вас и помогут завоевать победу в ходе кампании.
Системные требования
* Операционная система: XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7 SP1, 8
* Процессор: Dual Core - 2,5 ГГц \ Dual Core - 3,5 ГГц
* Оперативной памяти: 2048 Мб \ 4092 Мб
* Свободного места на жестком диске: 2406 Мб
* Видеокарта: GeForce GTX650 или Radeon HD7700, (1024 Мб), (Shader Model 3.0), (DirectX9)
* Файловая система: NTFS
* Важно: перед установкой отключаем Антивирус и Файрвол
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Fan-Zone Gamer RePack by Fenixx.
Сайт посвящен работам SxS, Fenixx'a. | Create: 16.06.2012
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